Step1 Take a new file of 400 pixels,400 pixels, of resolution 72 dpi in the RGB mode.Take the Shape Tool select this one.ThenCreate a new layer make the selection fill with Black color.
Step2 Go to Blending Option use the following settings.
Step3Your image should be look like this.Then copy of the shape layer and Press Ctrl+T Transform Selection to Rotate your shape.
what photshop version is best to use to design a website?
Can I create a header alone form Photoshop?
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Hi thanks for dropping by my place tc and enjoy the wednesday!
great tips.anyway, thx for visiting my
north sulawesi blog
I really wanted to learn how to use photoshop, but i dont have a i just have to wait a llttle sooner when i got pc then i'll study.
haven't had the time to fully explore photoshop and browsing on your posts, i enjoy reading your tutorials. they're great! keep it up! ^_^
wow! simple but effective tutorial. I'd like to create one for my website, too!
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